
Balmoral Sailing Club

Become a Member

Step 1/5: Let's get started
Step 1/5: Let's get started
Balmoral Sailing Club welcomes new members. The club has five major membership categories:

  • Member Boat Owner aged 30 or over sailing their own boat / windsurfer.
  • Member aged 30 or over sailing as crew on a two-handed boat.
  • Member under 30 
  • Race/non-sailing Volunteer is a volunteer who donates their services to the Club (race control, safety patrol, admin, maintenance) and does not sail regularly.
  • Temporary Member, SailPass, for someone who is not a member of a sailing club and wants to sail with the club no more than three days in a season

​Only financial members of BSC can compete and be awarded points in the club's sailing events.
Annual Fee
Member boat owner
Member under 30
Race / non sailing volunteer
Junior sailing program fee
Temporary Membership
These fees apply as at 1/9/2024. The club reserves the right to vary these fees at any time.

The Junior Sailing Program includes coaching and use of a club boat when available.  The total cost of the Junior Sailing Program is $705 which is comprised of - Member under 30 membership $175, a parent joining as a Race/non Sailing Volunteer $30 and the Junior Race Program fee of $500.  The race program fee is discounted to $250 if you bring your own boat. One parent must help with the program and join as a Race/non-sailing Volunteer. 

Balmoral Sailing Club is affiliated with Australian Sailing, the national sporting organisation for sailing, and peak body for recreational boating at clubs in Australia. When you join BSC you will be issued with an Australian Sailing number which allows you to participate in all association sailing events.

Please complete the details below which will take you to the Australian Sailing membership application form.

Once your Proposer and Seconder (who must be financial members of Balmoral Sailing Club) have confirmed your nomination with the Membership Officer, your application will be put to the Board. When your membership is ratified, the Membership Officer will then invoice you for the fees due and payable.

Racks are available for members that sail regularly. You may apply for a rack at the same time as membership application.
